Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday November 10 2008,

This weekend was amazing, Tyler and I went to the federal reserve caves with all of our F.H.E sisters on Friday we all piled into my 3 setter truck. Six people in a small truck is not the best idea but it all worked out. On Saturday we watched a movie with some friends, what really happened was everyone was watching a movie and I was taking a test online that ended up taking me almost 2 hours I had to write six essays about different communication skills,than answer 30 multiple choice questions. I think I did good but even if I don't my teacher will let me do some extra credit. Only because I took Marks advice and became his best friend he loves me and I am aways stopping by during the day just to chat for a minute.Thanks for the advice Mark. On Sunday our F.H.E sisters had Tyler and me over for dinner it was way better than what Tyler and I cook. Another great weekend in Rexburg Idaho!

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